Sunday, December 9, 2007


Oops, I forgot to go and play in the Sandbox. I have added a favourite to the music favourites, but not sure I have done it correctly as my URL is not showing. The tutorial would not play, so couldn't go and get some clues.
Never mind, it's an hour after leaving work time, and I'm outta here ..

Later, at home. The tutorial will still not open and I have tried for ages to get my url to show alongside my comments in the music favourites. I have spent too long on this and cannot figure out something which is no doubt simple. Grrrr. Help please!


Unknown said...

Not sure what happened here, but it could be something to do with broadband speed, the tour is working today. All you need to do is go to PB wiki, enter the password, click on favourite blog and then click edit. I have added your blog in if you wanted to take a look.

flowerpower said...

I have had a lookin PB wiki, but my url is still not showing above my comment. I actually originally did as you suggested (clicked on music favourites and clicked edit and added my bit) and then saved. ??